This is an implementation of a game about rows and dice: Qwinto.
How to Play:
1. The game is played on a board with multiple rows.
2. Players select the number of dice they want to roll.
3. Players roll the dice.
4. Based on the dice colors, players choose a row to place their result.
5. If a player is unhappy with the result, they can reroll. However, other players can also use the new roll to fill their own board.
5.a. If a player cannot or does not want to fill in a score, they must take a penalty.
6. The next player takes their turn by rolling the dice.
Game Rules:
1. Players can roll as many dice as they want.
2. Players may fill only one cell per turn.
3. Numbers in each row must increase.
4. Numbers in each column must be unique (no duplicates).
5. The game ends when a player fills two rows or accumulates five penalties.
1. If a row is fully filled, the player earns points equal to the value of the last cell.
2. If a row is incomplete, the player earns points based on the number of filled cells in the row.
3. Each penalty deducts 5 points.
4. If a bonus cell (marked with a square) completes a column, the player earns extra points based on that cell.
5. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.